You and I were created for worship, and we desire to create an environment where that can happen at our church and in our lives. In essence, every moment of our lives is a worship service.
Sunday Mornings:
Music: Our services at PHBC are something unique in that we have a good mix of generations and the music is suited to address the needs of everyone. Using music and other elements, our praise team tries to point people to the throne of God. Dress: Some wear suits, some wear dresses, some wear jeans, some wear shorts. We want to invite people to come as they are, but we also don’t want to dress in a way that distracts from worship (such as bikinis!). Word: Every Sunday, we take the Word of God and teach its principles in a creative way that shows not only what the Bible means, but how it impacts and applies to our lives. Relationships: This is the biggie here. We want to help make everyone feel loved, welcomed, encouraged, and appreciated. We focus on building relationships. |