Feed the NeedMeeting Needs…The members at PHBC have an ON GOING food drive and accept any non-perishable food donations, canned or boxed anytime. These items are given to people in need at our own church, donated to the Middleburg Hts. Food Pantry or by member request to a designated family.Twice a year, Thanksgiving and Easter, Park Heights has a special collection to create Holiday baskets. These are given to families in our community in need. We are able to choose these families by a reference from the Berea City School District. Some of these baskets go to members in need.
Park Heights Baptist Church is a member of the Middleburg Hts. Food Pantry. They serve all residents of Middleburg Hts. and all members of churches located within the city. The Middleburg Heights Food Pantry is a “Client Choice” pantry located at: ITEMS SELDOM DONATED
Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, baking items, cooking oil, salt, sugar, cereals (hot and cold), condiments, canned fruit, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, razor blades, deodorant, feminine hygiene products, dish soap, laundry detergent, toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, napkins. Feed the Need Food Pantry in located in the fellowship hall of Park Heights |