Discovery Class
We praise the Lord that you are worshiping with us here at PHBC! We pray as you continue to discern where the Lord is leading you that you will continue to come and be with us. In the meantime, we want to help you learn more about who we are, what we believe, where we are heading, and how you can become involved here. Also, there are some who are ready to join us and may be wondering what their next steps are. So with all of that in mind, we are offering our PHBC Discovery Class, which is required for membership, and is great for anyone else because it provides an opportunity to ask questions, gain insight, develop relationships, and learn things that you may not learn otherwise.
At Park Heights Baptist Church we believe when a person becomes a follower of Christ, he is assimilated and incorporated into the body of Christ. Through nurturing, he begins to grow and develop under the headship of Jesus as a part of the body. Becoming a church member is more than having a place to worship, it is being fitted into the body of Christ, along with other members, so that both he and the total body function in harmony with the greatest effectiveness and efficiency.
This class has been designed to help you become more acquainted with what it means to be a follower of Christ and a member of the local church.
Everything is free and all materials will be provided.
At Park Heights Baptist Church we believe when a person becomes a follower of Christ, he is assimilated and incorporated into the body of Christ. Through nurturing, he begins to grow and develop under the headship of Jesus as a part of the body. Becoming a church member is more than having a place to worship, it is being fitted into the body of Christ, along with other members, so that both he and the total body function in harmony with the greatest effectiveness and efficiency.
This class has been designed to help you become more acquainted with what it means to be a follower of Christ and a member of the local church.
Everything is free and all materials will be provided.